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    How should the U.S. proceed in Afghanistan?
    Greenhaven Press,
    Pub date:
    Physical desc:
    91 p. ;
    Copy info:
    1 copy available in Children's and Juvenile Literature, 3rd Floor.
    1 copy total in all locations.
    • 9780737744248
    • Holdings
      Call number Copies Material Location
      LS958.1045 .H83 1 Book Children's and Juvenile Literature, 3rd Floor


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9780737744248 (hardcover)
0737744243 (hardcover)
9780737744255 (pbk.)
0737744251 (pbk.)
How should the U.S. proceed in Afghanistan? / Stefan Kiesbye, book editor.
Publication info:
Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2009.
Physical descrip:
91 p. ; 24 cm.
Bibliography note:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Slowness in providing early aid has allowed a Taliban resurgence / Paul M. Rodriguez -- U.S. withdrawal would leave Afghanistan in a shambles / Alex Thurston -- A failed U.S. strategy helps the Taliban win local support / Paul Rogers -- United States needs patience and Pakistan's help to overcome the Taliban / Lisa Curtis and James Phillips -- The United States must work at the local level to encourage democracy / Jesse Aizenstat -- The Afghan army and parliament must provide national unity / Beth Cole and Kiya Bajpai -- NATO must commit to Afghanistan's future / Bruce Riedel and Karl F. Inderfurth -- NATO must help Afghanistan and its neighbors cooperate / Joschka Fischer -- The course of U.S. action must run through Pakistan / Fred Kaplan -- The United States must not destabilize Pakistan / Jim Lobe -- Covert operations cannot substitute for sound policy / Patrick Cockburn.
Subject term:
Afghan War, 2001-2021--Juvenile literature.
Subject term:
Nation-building--Afghanistan--Juvenile literature.
Geographic term:
United States--Foreign relations--Afghanistan--Juvenile literature.
Geographic term:
Afghanistan--Foreign relations--United States--Juvenile literature.
Geographic term:
United States--Foreign relations--Pakistan--Juvenile literature.
Geographic term:
Pakistan--Foreign relations--United States--Juvenile literature.
Added author:
Kiesbye, Stefan.
At issue. International politics.

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